Monday, February 13, 2012

YoYo MaMa

Well, crap.

The down came back up and I regained every single tenth of an ounce I lost last week. Apparently whatever I am doing isn't right or isn't enough. It's a good thing that "crap" is the strongest language I'm allowing myself to use on this blog or you wouldn't be able to read this through filters and firewalls. CRAP!!!

I guess I thought (in my Fairy Tale Syndrome little mind) when I started this blog that my virtual accountability would make it so that there would mostly be successes to report with an occasional plateau, but a GAIN?


Alright, enough with the potty fingers. Deep breath, regroup, evaluate...

When I put my jeans on this weekend for family pictures, they felt a little looser and my daughter commented that I was starting to look like I had lost some weight. I do recognize that at my weight it's going to take about fifty pounds before the general public notices anything in the slightest, but my family is very supportive and knows I like to have my efforts acknowledged. When I got dressed this morning, my shirt felt a little looser through the arms and back, so I was sure I would be rewarded with good news when I did my weekly weigh-in.

I do know that muscle weighs more than fat, but I think that's only a good argument when you don't have a lot of fat. I have plenty. I've been working out long enough that I'm thinking I should be past that trade-off. Maybe not. I can only hope that's the case and I gained over four pounds of muscle this week.


I return to writing this post after a sweaty visit to my personal trainer. I told him about the weight gain and I was fully prepared to place all of the blame on him where I thought it belonged. He asked about what I had eaten and I vowed to him that I had eaten good foods all week. He then asked me about sodium. Hmmmmm. Does that mean giant dill pickles? Pistachios? Cashews? Tortilla chips? Okay, maybe he was on to something. Dill pickles have no fat and are a vegetable. Nuts are great sources of protein. Tortilla chips get the oh-so-healthy salsa down and I very carefully count them out. But yes, every one of them is jam-packed with sodium. And those are just the ones I could remember. So I let the trainer off the hook. For now.

I did my best to work my bum off  in my workout and now I can barely walk, so I'm hoping it helped, but for all the time I have spent working out with few results (at least on the scale), I'm only cautiously optimistic. On the bright side, 4+ pounds of water are a heck of a lot easier to get rid of than 4 pounds of fat or muscle, so I'll be making a few adjustments to my go-to foods and hoping that really is what caused the jump.

My trainer did assure me that I'm going to yo-yo a little bit while I get this all figured out which explains why my weight graph looks like a child's first drawing of a mountain range, but I'm ready for a chart that looks like the stock market after a stimulous package.

And so it goes...

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